Perfect Day Pools

Signs That You Have A Serious Pool Leak & How To Avoid Them

Swimming pools are a great source of entertainment and relaxation for both commercial and residential owners. However, one of the biggest concerns that pool owners face is pool leaks. A pool leak can not only result in an increased water bill but also cause damage to the surrounding areas, such as the pool deck or foundation. Therefore, it is essential to identify the signs of a pool leak and take necessary measures to avoid it. In this article, we will discuss the signs that you have a serious pool leak and the steps you can take to avoid them.

1. Sudden Decrease In Water Level

If you notice that the water level in your pool is dropping faster than usual, it’s a sign that you have a leak. Evaporation is a natural process, but if you find yourself refilling your pool more frequently than before, it’s time to investigate. A pool that loses more than two inches of water per week indicates a serious leak.


2. Unusual Wet Spots

If you notice wet spots or soggy areas around your pool, it’s likely that you have a leak. These spots can be caused by a variety of issues, such as damaged pipes, loose fittings, or a leaking pool liner. If left unaddressed, these wet spots can lead to significant water damage to the surrounding area and even pose a safety risk for those walking around the pool.


3. Increased Water Bills

If you have a pool leak, you may notice that your water bill is higher than usual. While it’s normal for your water bill to go up during the summer months when you’re using your pool more frequently, a sudden spike in water usage can be a sign of a leak. Check your water meter regularly to see if it’s recording water usage when you’re not using the pool. This could be an indication of a leak that needs to be repaired.


4. Cracks In The Pool Deck

A shifting pool can cause cracks in the foundation or walls, leading to water leaks. Look for any signs of cracks, especially near the pool’s perimeter or at the bottom of the pool. These cracks can be a sign of structural damage caused by a leak. Additionally, if you notice that the pool deck is shifting or sinking, it could be due to water damage caused by a leak. In such cases, it’s important to contact a professional pool repair service to fix the issue before it causes further damage.


5. Algae Growth

If you notice an increase in algae growth in your pool, it could indicate a leak. Algae thrives in damp conditions, and a leak can create the perfect environment for it to grow. If you notice an increase in algae growth, you should contact a professional to investigate the cause.


6. Equipment Issues

If you notice issues with your pool equipment, such as a pump that is losing prime or a filter that is not working correctly, it could indicate a leak. A pool leak can cause air to get into the system, leading to issues with the equipment.


7. Soil Erosion

If you notice sinkholes or soil erosion around your pool, it could be a sign of a severe leak. The water that leaks out of the pool can erode the soil underneath, causing the ground to shift or even collapse. This can cause significant damage to the pool’s foundation and surrounding areas, so it’s important to address the issue promptly.


8. Soft Spots On The Ground

If you notice soft spots in the ground around your pool, it could indicate a leak. A leak can cause the soil to become saturated, leading to soft spots in the ground.


9. Water Discoloration

If you notice that the water in your pool is discolored or cloudy, it could indicate a leak. A leak can cause water to become contaminated with debris or algae, leading to discoloration or cloudiness.


10. Increased Chemical Usage

Another sign of a pool leak is a sudden change in the pool’s chemical levels. If you’re finding it difficult to maintain proper pH levels, alkalinity, or chlorine levels, it could be due to a leak. This is because a leak can cause water to be diluted, which can affect the balance of chemicals in the pool.


If you suspect that your pool has a leak, it’s important to address the issue promptly to avoid further damage. Our Perfect Day Pool leak professionals can identify the source of the leak and provide you with the necessary repairs to get your pool back in top shape.

pool ph levels

Test Your Pool's Water Regularly

Use a testing kit to ensure that the pH level, alkalinity, and chlorine levels are within the recommended ranges.

How To Avoid Pool Leaks

As a pool owner, it’s important to take steps to prevent pool leaks. Pool leaks can not only result in costly repairs but also damage to the surrounding areas. Fortunately, there are several measures you can take to avoid pool leaks. Regular maintenance, proper installation, timely repairs, and using a pool cover are all important steps you can take to keep your pool in good condition and prevent any damage that could lead to a leak. By being proactive and taking these steps, you can ensure that your pool remains in excellent condition for years to come.

1. Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is the best way to avoid a pool leak. It’s essential to keep your pool clean and well-maintained to prevent any damage that could lead to a leak. Ongoing maintenance of your pool can help you identify any signs of wear and tear before they become bigger problems. Check for cracks, damage, and signs of erosion around the pool. Look for areas where the ground has shifted, which can be a sign of an underlying leak.


2. Proper Installation

Proper installation of your pool is critical to preventing leaks. Make sure your pool is installed by a qualified and experienced professional who follows all the necessary steps to ensure the pool is installed correctly. Ensure that the pool’s foundation is properly compacted and level to prevent shifting and settling that can lead to leaks.


3. Timely Repairs

Timely repairs are essential to avoid a serious pool leak. If you notice any signs of a leak, it’s essential to contact a professional immediately. A professional can identify the cause of the leak and repair it before it causes any further damage.


4. Use A Pool Cover

Using a pool cover can help prevent evaporation and keep debris out of your pool. This can help reduce the amount of water lost through evaporation and prevent damage to your pool that could lead to a leak.

A pool leak can cause significant damage to your pool and surrounding areas. Therefore, it’s essential to identify the signs of a leak and take necessary measures to avoid it. Regular maintenance, proper installation, timely repairs, and using a pool cover are some of the ways to avoid a serious pool leak. If you notice any signs of a leak, it’s essential to contact a professional immediately. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your pool remains in good condition.


Need pool leak services? Contact us today for a thorough leak inspection of your pool

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